In an age when we’re all glued to a screen of some sort for large fractions of our day, we’re doing our bit to encourage our customers to step awaaaay from the phone, shut that laptop down, and just generally switch off to all things electronic for a small part of their day, at least.
These days, we don’t have to look far for something to entertain or engage us on our lunch break, or daily commute, we have everything we need at our fingertips, on our phones, laptops, watches even. But what if we were all to take a little step back and ensure that we gave ourselves time in the day to have a bit of down time…and enjoy a coffee while we’re at it!
Well, at White Feather – we’ve got the perfect solution to help you with this change in mindset. In all of our sites, you’ll now find our in house book swap. And, what’s more, it’s another outlet for us to raise vital funds for our charity of choice – The Tussell Trust.
How does it work? Simple – either bring in a book and swap it with one from our book collection, or take a book and place a small donation in the collection tin.
The knock on effect of these little corners of bookie magic is endless. By introducing these spaces, and by you in turn taking part in our book swap, we’re achieving so many great things together:
- A chance for you to switch off and unwind.
- Recycling and reusing books that may otherwise sit dormant on a bookshelf at home.
- Raising funds and awareness of a fantastic charity.
So pop in to one of our sites today and get swapping! And, in the meantime, why not take some time to discover The Trussell Trust and all of the amazing work they are doing to stop UK hunger – The Trussell Trust – Stop UK Hunger.
If you have a stack of books you don’t know what to do with… bring them to us! We love to keep our shelves stocked and varied so there’s something for everyone. Please get in touch if you have any books you would like to donate.